Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Wish I Had Payed Attention, NOW ANYWAY!

I've always loved to write short stories. When I was a young boy living in Marion, I would often write a story about something that would grab my attention. Be that my dad, my imagination or a situation I had been in. Do I wish now that I had payed attention in school? Yes! Especially in English studies.

Probably or better put definitely, most readers will be able to determine that I didn't listen very well in English class. To me, school was a waste of my time. I wasn't going to be using education anyway. I already knew it all. Was I ever wrong!

Since I have decided to create this blog, I have found myself wondering and pondering about some of these questions:
  1. What is proper English anyway?
  2. How do I know if a comma goes here or there?
  3. Am I dragging out a sentence?
  4. Why and when do I use a ( ' ) that thing?

Most certainly some that read or even follow this will be watching to see if I'm going to do this or that. Some may be inquisitive about what I think and believe. All will be able to see that I do not have a college degree in writing. (yet I did take English 101 & 102 after I graduated from high school).

Yet the one thing I want to tell everyone that reads this is that education is not a waste of time! School is for learning about stuff that we certainly will need. Most of it anyway. Now, I really wish I had payed attention in school.


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