Monday, November 9, 2009

When Life Hits

One day things are going as usual. Stop at pick up groceries, don't forget to put gas in the car, you know the usual stuff we do everyday without much thought. Next thing you know, Bam! Life hits!

As most do (probably) I have routines that I carry out almost every day and every night.. Habits they are called. Maybe it is my favorite glass I drink from or the blue jeans that feel the best or maybe its the normal things I hardly ever notice. Like walking, breathing, talking,smelling thinking even the simplest habit of blinking of my eyelids.

Never notice too much until we get that phone call we have dreaded for years. Also, it could be a layoff notice from our employer where we have worked for several decades. Whatever the moment may be, we notice that our life is in the Hands of God. We are not made of steel we are simply mortal. You know the kind that one day will grow old (if God allows) and our body will be simply leaving us as we had always known it..

I have been dealing with this for some time now watching my dad grow old. It's not easy because I can do nothing to stop it. We are just temporal beings on this earth. That's when life hits us and normal is not normal anymore.