Saturday, May 30, 2009
Cap & Trade. Cap What And Trade For What?
The link to this story below can be found at:
Tell the House: Reject the Waxman-Markey "Cap-and-Trade" Bill!
The House of Representatives is currently considering the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 -- “cap-and-trade” energy legislation that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by giving the federal government the power to limit the amount of oil, gasoline, coal, and other fossil fuels used by American utilities and industry. In reality, this cap-and-trade plan is nothing more than a hidden tax that The Heritage Foundation has estimated could increase the average American family’s energy bill by $1,500 annually!
Introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), the so-called Waxman-Markey bill will place a severe regulatory burden on American businesses, which will increase their costs and reduce their competitiveness, hurting our nation’s economy.
These higher operating costs for utilities, oil companies, and industry will ultimately trickle down to individual Americans, and you will pay an estimated 74 percent more for gasoline, 90 percent more for electricity, and 55 percent more on your natural gas bill. And that’s not the end of it. You’ll also pay more for every product that requires fossil fuels in its manufacture or transportation!
The Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade plan will also grow the size and cost of government by requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a greenhouse gas (GHG) registry, create a GHG emission allowance transfer system, and set emission allowances from 2012-2050. This army of new bureaucrats will eventually control every aspect of industrial, commercial, and individual energy use. What’s more, the cap-and-trade program will necessarily be ripe for political favoritism and corruption, as politicians and bureaucrats manipulate the system for favored industries.
Climatologist Chip Knappenberger has estimated that the 83 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions mandated under Waxman-Markey by 2050 will result in a drop in climate temperature of only nine-hundredths of 1 degree Fahrenheit. That’s equivalent to just two years of avoided global warming.
In short, the Waxman-Markey bill will achieve virtually no environmental pay-offs, while imposing huge costs on our businesses, our economy, and each and every American as a taxpayer and consumer.
Please tell your U.S. Representative today to vote NO on the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill)!
You may send your opinion to me at:
Your name will remain anonymous unless you give me permission that it can be printed and publicised. I will post some of your options if I receive them. Thanks, Greg
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It Is Because Of Safetran Employees
These jobs are a direct result of our local workers at this plant. In an economy where this country is losing jobs to overseas companies, Crittenden County and especially the workers of Satetran are to be proud of their accomplishment.
Greg West
Governor Steve Beshear's Communications Office Governor Beshear Announces Expansion of Safetran Systems Corp. in Crittenden County
Press Release Date:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Contact Information:
Jay BlantonJill Midkiff502-564-2611
Project will result in approximately 150 new jobs, $2.8 million investment
MARION, Ky. – Gov. Steve Beshear today joined company and community leaders in Crittenden County to announce the expansion of one of its corporate citizens. Safetran Systems Corporation, part of the Invensys Group, a worldwide leader in railroad crossing technology and crossing warning systems, will invest up to $2.8 million into its Marion facility, creating approximately 150 new jobs in the Commonwealth over the next few months.
“The expansion of our existing industries is vital to our economic progress,” said Gov. Beshear. “Today’s announcement that Safetran Systems Corporation will make an additional investment into the Marion facility, creating 150 new jobs, is wonderful news. The economic impact will be felt throughout the entire region. I’m delighted the Commonwealth could partner with Safetran and the community to make this project a reality.”
Safetran plans to significantly upgrade and expand an existing 110,000 square-foot facility on a 24-acre site on Industrial Drive in Marion. The manufacturing site is in close proximity to Safetran’s corporate headquarters, based in Louisville.
Established in 1920, Safetran has five facilities, two located in Kentucky, and one in California, New York and Florida. Products include electro-mechanical signal devices, the electrical/electronic control systems that activate them, communications systems, as well as complete signal system design and construction.
“I want to compliment the efforts of the Cabinet for Economic Development and Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, as well as everyone who contributed to this result,” said Kevin E. Riddett, president of Safetran. “This is a great day for Invensys/Safetran as well as the state of Kentucky. Our decision to grow our Marion facility serves as a testament to the relentless commitment of our employees and the sincere, tireless efforts of the Kentucky delegation who displayed a higher sense of urgency to make this day possible. Kentucky was competing with other states for this opportunity – the difference was that Kentucky never deviated from the goal of winning this project.”
The Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority (KEDFA) preliminarily approved Safetran for tax benefits up to $2,275,000 under the Kentucky Rural Economic Development Act, an incentive program designed to attract and expand manufacturing employment in the state. Additionally, the company was approved by KEDFA for a $525,000 Economic Development Bond to assist in the expansion.
“One of the main reasons Safetran chose to expand in Marion is because of the hard-working, dedicated employees they have found here,” said Crittenden County Judge Executive Fred Brown. “One hundred and fifty jobs for Marion are like 10,000 jobs for a larger city. It’s a major announcement.”
“In previous recessions, it seems like Marion is the caboose when the economy is ready to take off again,” said Marion Mayor Mick Alexander. “But this time, it seems like we’re going to get through this recession without any sudden halt in the local economy.”
“This is tremendously positive news for our community and a testament to the skills of Kentucky workers,” said Sen. Dorsey Ridley, of Henderson. “The people of Marion — and all Kentuckians — should be proud of their partnership with Safetran Systems. It’s an example of the great things that can happen when private businesses work with local and state officials to build stronger communities.”
“I’m delighted with this announcement and happy state government was able to make a positive contribution,” said Rep. Mike Cherry, of Princeton. “But, I am particularly pleased that Safetran has recognized our most important asset – the quality and productiveness of our local, homegrown workforce. Given the opportunity, I’m confident they can compete favorably with any workforce anywhere. We all need to thank them for their pivotal role in making this expansion happen.”
A community profile for Crittenden County can be viewed at
Watch Out! There Small, Very Small.
Avoid crushing the tick’s body. Do not be alarmed if the tick’s mouthparts remain in the skin. Once the mouthparts are removed from the rest of the tick, it can no longer transmit the Lyme disease bacteria. If you accidentally crush the tick, clean your skin with soap and warm water or alcohol.
Don’t use petroleum jelly, a hot match, nail polish, or other products to remove a tick.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thank You Chase
You can watch his story on You Tube by following the link below:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Follow the link below:
Another Comment On "TORTURE"
You are welcome to use my name.
Rene' Wallace
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thank You To Our Soldiers!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Comment on "TORTURE"
If you would like to give your opinion concerning torture, send an email to; Unless you say it's okay to use your name, your answer will remain anonymous.
"Torture is any pain or discomfort induced by something or someone out of your control. For example the government, friends & family, weather and sometimes ourselves. Sometimes it's mental or physical or both, Reading your blog is a good example. (Just kidding)"
anonymous reader
Define "TORTURE"
I really would like for you to email your answers to me and I will post some of the answers to your response's of what torture means to you.
Thanks, Greg
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
H1N1 "Swine Flu" Cure Has Been Discovered!
This is only a joke! Come on now!!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Just a Thought. When was the last time that you stopped to look up at the sky? I used to do that allot when I was a boy. Funny how we get so busy that we often forget the simple things. Like;
- Being able to get out of bed
- Being able to use a bathroom
- Feed ourselves
- Talk & walk
- Have our memory.
- And finally, look up at the sky.
The sky has many thing in it besides just clouds. Look sometime. You may see a bird, dust, snow, rain, sun, lighting and so on and on and yes a cloud.
I remember when the sky had no planes. As a habit, I use to go outside and count how many jets I could see at one time. Usually there were an average of seven any where I was at.
Then September 11, 2001 happened. I was about to undergo surgery to remove my gallbladder in Crittenden Hospital when a nurse came into the room and said, "have you seen what has happened in New York"? No I had not at that time, yet I was glued to my T.V. the rest of the days following. I do remember that night of 9/11 going outside and looking up toward the heavens and I vividly remember seeing no lights flashing from any planes. That is a memory I will never forget if God allows me to keep my memory.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Here We Go Again!
For years now and ever since I was elected to the fiscal court and began my duties on January 1, 2003, the truck license fee's that the state gave to each Kentucky county has been around $200,000.00 - $220,000.00. For many years, this is how county officials were able to keep the life & safety jail open and running. Through these truck license funds. What would happen was these monies were transferred from the general fund into the jail fund. To the best of my recollection, these fees were for road improvement, yet had to be used to run the jail.
There are 120 counties in our Commonwealth of Kentucky. Each of the 120 would divide equally among themselves the amount that was predetermined by the state. So if Crittenden received $220,000.00 then Webster, Union and all other counties would receive the same. So think about this. Take away $70,000.00 from each county or each county road fund and multiply that x 120 = $8,400,000.00! That hurts us all.
There are other cuts coming down the state pipeline as well so we need to be ready.
What can you do. Call or contact your state elected officials and let them know that we
need at least the monies we have received in the past if at all possible. And remember to pray for them to make solid decisions that will affect us all.
Well, here we go again trying to keep up what roads we have only with less money.
At least that's how I feel.
NOTE: The Crittenden Press has local, state & federal officials listed from time to time. You can get there contact information there or by surfing the world wide web.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We Got Robbed Lamond!
Lately I have been feeling like "We The American People" are in essence , that frog! Some refer to this as "Pain At The Pump". I prefer to call it "Greed". Not by those who purchase the gas from the large oil companies and sell it to us the consumer, but what is known as The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries or for short commonly called OPEC. As well as some very large American oil companies.
The information below will give a brief history of the countries and when they united together to control a major part of the market for petroleum products. This information was found at the following link:
Notice the five countries I have text colored red.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, created at the Baghdad Conference on September 10–14, 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Founding Members were later joined by nine other Members: Qatar (1961); Indonesia (1962) – suspended its membership from January 2009; Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1962); United Arab Emirates (1967); Algeria (1969); Nigeria (1971); Ecuador (1973) – suspended its membership from December 1992-October 2007; Angola (2007) and Gabon (1975–1994). OPEC had its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in the first five years of its existence. This was moved to Vienna, Austria, on September 1, 1965.
Are we now the frog? I feel it's a tragedy that so many of this country's service men and women have been called upon to give their precious blood for these other countries that seem to not appreciate it but very little. Is it not amazing how quick those countries have forgotten what the service members of the American Armed Forces have done for their freedoms and the protection given several of the founding member countries against ruthless dictators?
I'm very thankful that we have several local gas stations to provide this product to us. Remember the January ice storm? I had to drive from Paducah to Cadiz (@ exit 65 on I-24) just to get enough gas to get back to Marion! There were lines everywhere in Paducah and no gas to be found. It's certainly not the small business people causing this, yet I do blame many of those elected leaders in our nation's capital of Washington.
During our last presidential election, both sides of both parties were using slogans like; "Drill Here, Drill Now" and "We Can Burn Clean Coal". "It was stated that "If We Can Put A Man On The Moon, We Can Burn Clean Coal". Seems like those things have been put on the back burner on the other side of the dead frog.
Fred Sanford said it best when he walked into his house one day and noticed that everything of any value had been stolen. He yelled out to his son, " We Got Robbed Lamond"!
I kind of feel like we are getting robbed also.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I Wish I Had Payed Attention, NOW ANYWAY!
Probably or better put definitely, most readers will be able to determine that I didn't listen very well in English class. To me, school was a waste of my time. I wasn't going to be using education anyway. I already knew it all. Was I ever wrong!
Since I have decided to create this blog, I have found myself wondering and pondering about some of these questions:
- What is proper English anyway?
- How do I know if a comma goes here or there?
- Am I dragging out a sentence?
- Why and when do I use a ( ' ) that thing?
Most certainly some that read or even follow this will be watching to see if I'm going to do this or that. Some may be inquisitive about what I think and believe. All will be able to see that I do not have a college degree in writing. (yet I did take English 101 & 102 after I graduated from high school).
Yet the one thing I want to tell everyone that reads this is that education is not a waste of time! School is for learning about stuff that we certainly will need. Most of it anyway. Now, I really wish I had payed attention in school.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
We had very few worries, bills, plenty of friends around most of the time and no one uttered the words "Lets Go Green"!
My family ventured into Crittenden County by way of automobile from nearby Union County in 1965. My dad wanted to move away from Sturgis, a little populated town in the southern part of Union County. Why did we move? I still don't know except that dad wanted too. So we did! We the children of the West clan, didn't ask too many questions in those days. Most of the time, we just went were our parents went or were our feet would take us. Most of the days(as well as the nights), were spent right at home.
Sometimes when things get to complicated and life has a way of "knocking us down", I reminisce of the days of old when I was a child. I can almost feel being there now, sitting on an old worn-out couch and being so mad a grandpa! He had a stroke and had to move in with us. He was my mothers dad and for some reason, we just didn't seem to connect to one another. One of the reasons was that we had a black and white T.V. that had reception to three channels when we were lucky. I would be watching "Batman" or the "Time Tunnel" and he would have to watch President Johnson! The Vietnam war was going strong then and nightly address's to the nation were every night. Well, that's the way it felt to me anyway. I couldn't stand watching that old man with big ears! That was a bad war in times that I consider "good". My next door neighbor (the only house next to ours) son had been killed in that war. I vividly remember the count of dead soldiers each night on the news and I didn't like it at all. Yet, grandpa wanted to hear the President and what he had to say. The best thing about that memory is that the T.V. was worn out too! After a few minutes turned on, the picture tube would get hot and simply go out and I loved it. Grandpa finally had to move to what we called in those days, 'A Rest Home".
To me, things were better then and worries were seldomed mentioned. We were satisfied with each other in those days.
In summer, the only cooling we had was a box window fan with a removable window screen. I can say that I stayed pretty comfrontable though. In winter we had a coal furnace in the basement and one grate in the living room, yet I really don't remember being cold in my bed with five quilts. Dinner was each night at the table with all the family. That is, if you wanted to eat! the only McDonald's I knew of was in some old song. No Burger King or Dairy Queen yet I ate some of the very best meals a boy could have.
Why have we strayed away from those kinds of memories? Was it because we were truly "Green" then? I hear of "Cap and Trade" or "Fuel Efficient" now and I think about the days when I was a young boy living in the country were most everything was already considered "Green".
Maybe the answer to the ice caps melting and global warming is to just go back forty years or more and live like we did then. That is my definition of "Green", and it wasn't that bad either.
That's, "Mostly, My Opinion".
Why I Wanted To Blog!
In the days and weeks ahead, I will try to use "Mostly, My Opinion" to have a dialogue with others on the topics of the day or sometimes even to share why we feel the way we feel on many different issues. I will try to respect your opinion and I will also ask of you the same towards my opinion. We can and should be able to see things differently and still be civil in doing so.
So gentlemen and gentle ladies, Start Your Engines And Lets Do This!