Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Said, "When The Dust Settles"!

A few days after my loss in the Republican primary election of 2010 in Crittenden County, KY, I answered a question put forth to me by the editor pf The Crittenden Press, Chris Evans. He asked if I was going to be involved in politics in the future. To the best of my recollection, he (Chris) posed the question more like this, are you going to run for office again? I answered that question with this answer, "I'm going to let the dust settle first". Well, I have and I still have a deep yearning to run for political office. I don't know when that will be or for what office I would run for if I do.

I have been a Republican all my life. Except the time when I was trying to land a job with the State of KY back in the early 1980's. I was told by a close person to the political state that I needed to change my party because it would really look good on my application. So I did! After I landed another job (about 1 month later) I changed back and have been a loyal member of this republican party ever since.

The truth is, I know what I believe and stand for and I'm not sure if "a" single party has that anymore. There are some good and a few not as good people on both sides of our major parties here in our county of Crittenden. I know that from my 8 years as a county magistrate in district # 5. So who am I?

To answer that question, I would have to say that when I was on the fiscal court I was a registered republican. Yet not just for Republicans. I was inside the republican party but not a republican insider. I attribute this mostly due to my independent votes I would make on several different issues. If I had it to do again......I would do the same thing. I voted my conscience! I voted NO to the insurance tax that was raised on the people of this county. Why did I vote that way? Even though the new "Tea Party" didn't ask me that or state that their group stands against raising new taxes, I received no vocal or financial support from them even though I voted several times my conscience and several times I was the only "no" vote. The tea party stands for: "Taxed Enough Already"! I have to say that I agree with that position but, I was not an insider of the good ole boys club. That's the truth as well I received little support from the party I have been a life member of except for the time I had mentioned trying to put food on my family's table.

So what am I now? I am an American that will be praying for our Almighty God to lead me, direct me and guide me in what party, what office and whether I need to pursue any office at all! Our country needs "LEADERSHIP" now more than ever! From the Courthouse to the White House and it is all of our responsibility to "Step Up To The Plate"

I look forward to your comments as well as your opinions.
Thank You,
Greg West

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