Saturday, October 1, 2011


Now I have two! Two granddaughters that is. My daughter Amy gave birth to a 7 lb. - 10 oz. black haired beauty three days ago. Many grandparents say it makes them feel "Older!" Not  me.

When my children were born, I was trying to figure out how I was going to buy diapers, medicine, pictures and on and on. That in itself made me feel old. The worry got to me on our first Christmas. That worry ended me up in a hospital, (an overnight stay). I worried too much, way to much.

Karlee Brooke Jent
Now I can go back to my childhood somewhat. A grandchild is just that. A child that is grand. As a parent there are many responsibilities. As a "Poppa", there is time to step back and simply enjoy. That makes me feel "Young Again".

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thoughts from U on USA debt & what needs done?


Send your thoughts, OK?

20th Year For County High School Footbal Coach

Rockets defense sparks Crittenden’s early takeoff
The Crittenden County defense forced four turnovers and the offense scored on three of its first four possessions as the Rockets beat Hopkins Central 38-6 in the Kentucky National Guard Warrior Bowl
This was taken from the Paducah sun newspaper (ONLINE VERSION).

Read more: The Paducah Sun - Local News, Sports, Businesses, Events, and more in Paducah, KY

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stray Bullets

I hope the stray bullets being shot from the candidates of the Republican Party for President will not miss and kill some of the new supporters!

I'm reminded of a old bumper sticker that had printed on it this quote. "LORD, PLEASE GIVE ME PATIENCE AND I WANT IT NOW!" I'm afraid some of the new members will not take down the ones who have been battling Washington politics for years with those who need the boot! Yes I said boot!

During the last debate about the "Debt Ceiling" in congress and not so much a debate in the White House, those who took to the streets in the 2010 elections are so excited to see some candidates that are doing what they said they would do that they (the supporters) are painting everyone with the same brush if they have a difference of opinion. To me. that's not good!

There are 3 branches of government set up by our founding fathers as far as laws & regulations are concerned. They are these: The President who has VETO power alone. Not over a simple line in a bill but a swooping veto to end the whole bill. The congress can only override the President if there is a super majority of members voting the opposite of the President. This would make the bill "Veto Proof" if it were a two-thirds majority.
The Senate is made up of two elected officials from each of the fifty United States of which they each serve a six year term. Not all are held for election each time but are on a staggered schedule.
The House of Representatives. Often referred to as "The Peoples House" this equal one-third has 435 members. The members represent states and are each on a two year term only. Representatives are decided by voters yet it is the once every ten year census that determines how many representatives each state has.

At the present moment the Republicans only are in control of one-third with the Democrats having two-thirds. So who has the control. The Democrats at the present time. That is unless the Republicans and especially the "Tea Party" members that caucus with the Republicans shoot the Party in their own foot. I say that because It is my opinion mostly that we need a new majority senate and a new President to get things headed back in the right direction again. As a voter I can say that I Did Not vote for Barack Obama but that I did vote. We the people hold a large amount of the responsibility for Not Voting at all! These same ones who don't vote usually will be the ones leading the coffee shop discussions on what is wrong with this country.

It's time the good ole USA takes back what we have given away! Here are only a few of my thoughts:
Our tax dollars overseas in all shapes. Use our own coal and natural gas and oil. The tree huggers can come and hug some trees here in the woods of KY if that's what they need to do. Bring back the jobs send to China and other foreign governments that took away our tax base and jobs for half standard products. We can do it better here if our politicians & greedy business people will remember who died to give us our freedom. It was and is Americans. We also need to remember that the separation of church & state Is Not in the U.S. Constitution. It was only in a letter for a speech that was suggested by a Presidential writer that was not used. Yes we do not need the state in the church but we should be allowed to have the church (through individuals) in the state! Most of our ancestors came here across the pond to be able to worship as they felt they should by worshiping their Creator, God. In England there are no Baptist or Methodist or Pentecostals but only the Church of England even still today. That is why they came here in the first place.

So chew around on my opinion and give me your opinion. Maybe we can learn something from each other along the way. God Bless The United States of America.

Monday, August 8, 2011

2011 Crittenden Football Schedule

Rocket Football
                         2011 SCHEDULE                           


Sept 2 at Trigg County

Sept. 9 at Union County

Sept. 16 at Paducah Tilghman

Sept. 23 REIDLAND*


Oct. 7 at Murray*

Oct. 14 at Ballard Memorial*



* Denotes 2A First District Game

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Said, "When The Dust Settles"!

A few days after my loss in the Republican primary election of 2010 in Crittenden County, KY, I answered a question put forth to me by the editor pf The Crittenden Press, Chris Evans. He asked if I was going to be involved in politics in the future. To the best of my recollection, he (Chris) posed the question more like this, are you going to run for office again? I answered that question with this answer, "I'm going to let the dust settle first". Well, I have and I still have a deep yearning to run for political office. I don't know when that will be or for what office I would run for if I do.

I have been a Republican all my life. Except the time when I was trying to land a job with the State of KY back in the early 1980's. I was told by a close person to the political state that I needed to change my party because it would really look good on my application. So I did! After I landed another job (about 1 month later) I changed back and have been a loyal member of this republican party ever since.

The truth is, I know what I believe and stand for and I'm not sure if "a" single party has that anymore. There are some good and a few not as good people on both sides of our major parties here in our county of Crittenden. I know that from my 8 years as a county magistrate in district # 5. So who am I?

To answer that question, I would have to say that when I was on the fiscal court I was a registered republican. Yet not just for Republicans. I was inside the republican party but not a republican insider. I attribute this mostly due to my independent votes I would make on several different issues. If I had it to do again......I would do the same thing. I voted my conscience! I voted NO to the insurance tax that was raised on the people of this county. Why did I vote that way? Even though the new "Tea Party" didn't ask me that or state that their group stands against raising new taxes, I received no vocal or financial support from them even though I voted several times my conscience and several times I was the only "no" vote. The tea party stands for: "Taxed Enough Already"! I have to say that I agree with that position but, I was not an insider of the good ole boys club. That's the truth as well I received little support from the party I have been a life member of except for the time I had mentioned trying to put food on my family's table.

So what am I now? I am an American that will be praying for our Almighty God to lead me, direct me and guide me in what party, what office and whether I need to pursue any office at all! Our country needs "LEADERSHIP" now more than ever! From the Courthouse to the White House and it is all of our responsibility to "Step Up To The Plate"

I look forward to your comments as well as your opinions.
Thank You,
Greg West

Tuesday, April 5, 2011