Monday, July 28, 2014

The States! The UNITED States! Or are we becoming the UN-United States of America?

I'm concerned with the state of our country. So much has changed in the past 20 years. For that, a lot has chanced in the past 5 years and mostly look at what we are seeing change in 2014 alone!

This country that we call ours was not ours from the get go. The native Americans were done wrong and wrong does not do it justice. Some of out Fore Fathers were just down right mean! Yet, there where many that were Christians trying to escape the domination of fear. The one thing I cherish is my Freedom! We are immune to freedom! It's taken for granted. And yes, I do myself at times.

I have thought about how I won the lottery. The lottery of where I would be born. I was born in a small community in Union County, KY. Smack dab (almost) in the middle of FREEDOM! Stop and ponder this thought for a few seconds. What if you were born in say El Salvador? Or maybe in Iraq! Ukraine seems like it would have been a good place at one time, yet not now. Then there is the one place I've always wanted to visit but haven't. ISRAEL! God chosen people. Hey I didn't do it! God did! If you want to get mad, get mad at Him. Ill let you in on a secret.......He don't care if you get mad because He Is GOD! And besides that, you will loose when you or I fight Him.

I remember (and still do at times now) know what it feels like to be not wanted. Well in Israel's case......they are HATED! This all goes back to Abraham & Sarah, Abraham's wife. She (Sarah) could not bare a Son for Abraham so she encouraged Abraham to have a child with her hand maiden "Hagar". She bare Abraham a son and his name was Ishmael. The way she gave birth to Ishmael was amazing and quiet unusual! Hagar sat on Sarah's knees with her legs spread. Ishmael gave birth sitting on Sarah as though she felt like she had a part in honoring Abraham with a son. As the boys grew, Sarah noticed Ishmael making fun of the son she had after she wanted Abraham to lie with Hagar. His name was Isaac. They both (Abraham & Sarah were in their or right at 100 years old.
Well Sarah was jealous and it grieved Abraham. He decided to send Hagar with Ishmael out of the fold of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and the rest of the tribe.

Today, the dislike of Sarah & Hagar, the resentment, hatred, jealousy is why the Mid-East fight, fight, and keep fighting! They have been fighting and they will keep on fighting until the Lord Jesus Christ Comes back and settles it all. Israel is God's chosen people. So we the United States, (not un-united States) had better get our decisions in order and NOW. I believe we are such a fruitful nation because of our support of Israel. We better not turn our backs on our greatest national friend. "Israel"
Or that's my opinion, well....Mostly My Opinion.

Feel free to write me back and disagree or agree. Just please keep it civil.

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