Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Did They All Go?

When I was 16 years of age, I would run the streets of Marion driving my 1968 Ford Mustang. I remember there being 50 or so other teenagers up town that I personally knew.

Where have they all gone?

Now when I travel the streets of this small town, I recognize only a few kids and that's mostly because I coached them in little league or my two kids who are no loner "kids" now knew them.

Time gets away and yet it stays the same. We are the ones who change. Marriage, death or simply relocation primarily because of a better paying job is the reason I believe.

What is your opinion? That's mine! Mostly.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Regulations and Guidance

Regulations and Guidance

Regulations and Guidance

The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight will work with the Department of Health and Human Services to issue regulations and implement many of the provisions of the legislation that address private health insurance. Visit this page frequently for links to proposed regulations, requests for comment, and other updates.